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Using Spring with XWT

Revision as of 11:44, 10 August 2010 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (With JVM parameters)



Work is underway to integrate XWT with Spring and Spring Dynamic Module to declare with Spring bean, the CLR class used into XWT file with XML Spring file.

See (for the moment) Bug 320405. Attached to this bug are zips containing bundles:

  • org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework: bundle of Spring support for XWT.
  • org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.tests : Tests (Main/JUnit) of Spring support for XWT.

Samples with NO OSGi context :

Samples with OSGi context :

  • org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.osgi.sample1 : simple sample to declare CLR as Spring bean.
  • org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.osgi.sample2 : simple sample to declare CLR as Spring bean which use Spring DI + Spring DM to use a service.
  • org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.osgi.sample3 : simple sample to declare CLR as Spring bean which use Spring DI + Spring DM to use a service width @Inject.
  • : bundle which provides IHelloService interface.
  • : bundle which publish as OSGi service the HelloService implementation.
  • org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.osgi.sample4 : sample which use OSGi fragment to configure SpringCLRFactory.
  • org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.osgi.sample4.config.springclrfactory : OSGi fragment which configure SpringCLRFactory.
  • org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.config.log4j : OSGi fragment which configure Log4j.
  • spring-target-platform : Simple Eclipse project which contains the (Spring) target plaform and (OSGi) launch of the samples.

Spring JAR :

CLR Class

Before explaining Spring support for XWT, it's interesting to understand how CLR Java class are managed with x:Class and x:ClassFactory.

CLR with x:Class

The Event Handling sample show you how XWT file can be linked to a Java CLR (Common Language Runtime) class to manage for instance event handler of the UI with Java code by using x:Class attribute :

<Shell xmlns=""
    <Button text="Click Me!" SelectionEvent="clickButton">

The declaration x:Class="ui.EventHandler" means that the UI is linked to the Java class ui.EventHandler :

package ui;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
public class EventHandler {
    protected void clickButton(Event event) {
        Button button = (Button )event.widget;
        button.setText("Hello, world!");

When the button gets selected, the method clickButton is invoked to change the Button text to "Hello, world!":


CLR with x:ClassFactory

You can do the same thing (link a CLR class with XWT) with CLR factory :

<Shell xmlns=""
    <Button text="Click Me!" SelectionEvent="clickButton">

The x:ClassFactory="ui.EventHandlerFactory" declaration means that the UI is linked to the Java class which is created by the CLR factory ui.EventHandlerFactory :

package ui;
import org.eclipse.e4.xwt.ICLRFactory;
public class EventHandlerFactory implements ICLRFactory {
    public Object createCLR(String args) {
        return new ui.EventHandler();

This CLR factory implements org.eclipse.e4.xwt.ICLRFactory which returns an instance of ui.EventHandler which is the CLR class described below.

Overview - Spring support for XWT

The bundle org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework is the Spring support for XWT which implements org.eclipse.e4.xwt.ICLRFactory to declare CLR Class with bean Spring. It's possible to use this Spring support :

Spring support for XWT is very easy to use if you know Spring and Spring DM (for OSGi). Next sections will explain more how configure/use Spring/Spring DM than Spring support for XWT. This support will be explained by using provided samples.

Application Java context


Into application Java context, x:ClassFactory follow this syntax :

x:ClassFactory="<MySpringCLRFactory> bean=<myBean>"

where :

  • <MySpringCLRFactory> is the Spring CLR factory which load and use Spring XML file ApplicationContext to create an instance of the CLR bean.
  • <myBean> : is the bean ID of the CLR bean declared into the Spring XML file ApplicationContext.

Please see Using Spring with XWT section for more information.


Here a sheme which explain how Spring CLR Factory works into Java application context :

SpringCLRFactory lifecycle javaappctxt.png

ui.MySpringCLRFactory is a custom class which implements org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.AbstractSpringCLRFactory to load the Spring ApplicationContext which declare CLR as bean.

OSGi context


Into OSGi context, x:ClassFactory follow this syntax :

x:ClassFactory="org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.SpringCLRFactory.INSTANCE bean=<myBean> bundle=<myBundle>"

where :

  • <myBean> is the bean ID of the CLR bean declared into the Spring ApplicationContext.
  • <myBundle> is the symbolic name of the bundle which contains the Spring XML file ApplicationContext which declare the CLR bean.

Please see Using Spring Dynamic Module (OSGi) with XWT section for more information.


Here a sheme which explain how Spring CLR Factory works into OSGi application context with Spring DM :

SpringCLRFactory lifecycle osgictxt.png

Into OSGi context, you need not implement your Spring CLR Factory because Spring ApplicationContext are loaded with Spring DM Extender and registered it into OSGi registry services. org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.SpringCLRFactory.INSTANCE retrieve the Spring ApplicationContext by using the parameter bundle.

How test Spring support for XWT?

Before explaining Spring support for XWT, please follow the explained steps to try the samples of this Spring support. Samples are using Spring 3.0.3 and Spring DM 1.2 but it was tested too with Spring old version (2.5).

Download Eclipse E4

XWT belongs to Eclipse E4 project. To use XWT, download it.

Get last version of XWT from CVS

Today (09/09/2010) Eclipse E4 doesn't contains the ICLRFactory from XWT. Get org.eclipse.e4.xwt from the CVS :

  • Host:
  • Repository Path: /cvsroot/eclipse
  • Module: e4/org.eclipse.e4.xwt/bundles/org.eclipse.e4.xwt

Import Spring support for XWT projects+samples

Unzip org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework*.zip and import the whole projects into your workspace. Your workspace should look like this :

SpringCLRFactory workspace step1.png

Your workspace contains a lot of Compilation error because Spring (and Spring DM) is not included to the Default Target Platform.

Set Spring Target Platform

Copy/Paste Spring JAR into spring-target-platform

The spring-target-platform from the org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework*.zip doesn't contains Spring JAR lib required. You must copy/paste Spring 3.0.3 and Spring DM 1.2 JAR into this project. To do that :

  • unzip and and copy paste the whole JAR into spring-target-platform.
  • OR use the a maven spring-target-platform/pom.xml.

Set As Target Platform

To resolve compilation problems, open the file spring-target-platform/Spring Target with Target editor and click on "Set As Target Platform" :

SpringCLRFactory workspace step2.png

Your workspace should be recompiled and errors should disappear.

For your information spring-target-platform contains :

  • the Spring 3.0.3 and Spring DM 1.2.1 bundles required.
  • a maven pom.xml which was used to download thoses bundles.
  • spring-target-platform\launch-mvn\Install Spring Target Platform.launch is a m2eclipse launch that you can use to get the Spring JARs. Once you have launched it, refresh the project and spring-target-platform\target\targetPlatform\plugins folder must appears with the JARs downloaded.
  • several OSGi launch for each samples.

Using Spring with XWT


org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.sample1 is a basic sample which show you how declare CLR class with bean Spring (no OSGi context) :

SpringCLRFactory workspace sample1.png

Here steps that it was done to create this project:

Add JAR/Dependencies

XWT Dependencies :

  • org.eclipse.swt;bundle-version="3.6.0",
  • org.eclipse.e4.xwt;bundle-version="0.9.1",
  • org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework;bundle-version="0.9.1",

Spring JAR :

  • org.springframework.asm-3.0.3.RELEASE.jar
  • org.springframework.beans-3.0.3.RELEASE.jar
  • org.springframework.context-3.0.3.RELEASE.jar
  • org.springframework.core-3.0.3.RELEASE.jar
  • org.springframework.expression-3.0.3.RELEASE.jar

Here Commons Logging (not SLF4J) was used to configure logs for Spring. But Spring recommend to use SLF4J. Please read Spring Logging section.

Configure Log4j

Create into src folder :

log4j.rootLogger=info, con
log4j.appender.con.layout.ConversionPattern=%-4r [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n

Declare Spring bean CLR

Declare CLR class with bean into XML file Spring. To do that create a XML Spring file ui-context.xml into ui package like this :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
  <bean name="myUI" class="ui.EventHandler" scope="prototype">

You will notice that:

Implements Spring CLRFactory

Spring CLR factory is implemented with ui.MySpringCLRFactory class which extends org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.AbstractSpringCLRFactory. This abstract class require to implement the abstract method :

protected abstract ApplicationContext createApplicationContext(IArguments arguments)

which must returns an instance of Spring ApplicationContext which contains CLR bean declared :

package ui;
import org.eclipse.e4.xwt.ICLRFactory;
import org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.AbstractSpringCLRFactory;
import org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.CLRFactoryParameters;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
public class MySpringCLRFactory extends AbstractSpringCLRFactory {
  public static final ICLRFactory INSTANCE = new MySpringCLRFactory();
  protected ApplicationContext createApplicationContext(IArguments arguments) {
    return new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("ui/ui-context.xml");

To avoid loading XML Spring file ui-context.xml each time that XWT need to create CLR, MySpringCLRFactory define a singleton (INSTANCE) which it must use into x:ClassFactory.

Set the x:ClassFactory

XWT file ui.xwt stored into ui package declare the Spring CLR factory like this :

<Shell xmlns=""
    x:ClassFactory="ui.MySpringCLRFactory.INSTANCE bean=myUI">
    <Button text="Click Me!" SelectionEvent="clickButton">

You can notice that x:ClassFactory is used to define the Spring Factory :

x:ClassFactory="ui.MySpringCLRFactory.INSTANCE bean=myUI"
  • ui.MySpringCLRFactory.INSTANCE define the CLR Spring factory singleton to use.
  • bean=myUI define the bean of the CLR.

Test and run it

Create UI Java Class test which open the ui.xwt file :

package ui;
import org.eclipse.e4.xwt.IConstants;
import org.eclipse.e4.xwt.XWT;
public class UI {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
  URL url = UI.class.getResource(UI.class.getSimpleName() + IConstants.XWT_EXTENSION_SUFFIX);
    try {;
    } catch (Exception e) {

Run Java Application on this Main class org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.sample1/ui/UI. UI opens and if you click on button, it call the EventHandler#clickButton(Event event) from the EventHandler instance created by Spring:


Using Spring with XWT - Spring DI

At this step, we have seen how declare CLR Class as bean Spring. It's not very interesting compare to use CLR class with x:Class. But Spring is very powerful and it give you for instance Dependency Injection capability. In this section we will use Spring Dependency Injection to use a service into the CLR.


This section will explain the Java project org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.sample2 :

SpringCLRFactory workspace sample2.png

At this step we change the label button when user click on it :

public class EventHandler {
  protected void clickButton(Event event) {
    Button button = (Button) event.widget;
    button.setText("Hello, world!");

In real application CLR class use generally service. Here we will call an HelloService to get the message "Hello, world!".

Define HelloService

Create an interface ui.IHelloService like this :

package services;
public interface IHelloService {
  String hello();	

Create the IHelloService implementation like this :

package services.impl;
import services.IHelloService;
public class HelloService implements IHelloService {
  public String hello() {
    return "Hello, world!";

Use HelloService into CLR

EventHandler is modified to consume the IHelloService :

package ui;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
import services.IHelloService;
public class EventHandler {
  private IHelloService helloService;
  public void setHelloService(IHelloService helloService) {
    this.helloService = helloService;
  protected void clickButton(Event event) {
    Button button = (Button) event.widget;

The service will be filled with Spring Depency Injection.

Declare and use bean service

The ui-context.xml file declare the helloService :

  <bean name="myService" class="services.impl.HelloService" >

Here the declaration don't use scope="prototype", because the service is a singleton.

The service is filled to the CLR bean with Spring Dependency Injection :

  <bean name="myUI" class="ui.EventHandler" scope="prototype">
    <property name="helloService" ref="myService" />

Here the ui-context.xml modified :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
  <bean name="myUI" class="ui.EventHandler" scope="prototype">
    <property name="helloService" ref="myService" />
  <bean name="myService" class="services.impl.HelloService" >

You can launch the Java UI test org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.sample2/ui/UI to check that IHelloService is consumed by clicking on the button.

Using Spring with XWT - Spring DI - @Inject

It's interesting to use Spring 3.x because it provides the using of the @Inject(JSR-330) annotation to inject your service. (you can do the same thing with @Autowired).


In this section the org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.sample3 is explained. It's a sample which inject the IHelloService with @Inject :

Use @Inject

package ui;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
import services.IHelloService;
public class EventHandler {
	private IHelloService helloService;
	protected void clickButton(Event event) {
		Button button = (Button) event.widget;
		// Use the hello service

You can notice that EventHandler#setHelloService(IHelloService helloService) doesn't exists. XML Spring file is modified like this:

Declare <context:annotation-config/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
  <bean name="myUI" class="ui.EventHandler" scope="prototype">  	
  <bean name="myService" class="services.impl.HelloService" >

You can notice that :

  • <property name="helloService" ref="myService" /> doens't exist more.
  • <context:annotation-config/> is declared to use @Inject (or @Autowired).

You can launch the Java UI test org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.sample3/ui/UI to check that IHelloService is consumed by clicking on the button.

Using Spring with XWT - Default factory

It's possible to omit the Spring CLR factory declaration into XWT file.


In this section the org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.sample4 is explained.

x:ClassFactory="+ bean=myUI"

x:ClassFactory="ui.MySpringCLRFactory.INSTANCE bean=myUI">

But you can omit the factory declaration by using '+' character like this :

x:ClassFactory="+ bean=myUI">


You must after set the factory which must be used by default by calling :


Here the UI Java file modified :

package ui;
import org.eclipse.e4.xwt.IConstants;
import org.eclipse.e4.xwt.XWT;
public class UI {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    URL url = UI.class.getResource(UI.class.getSimpleName() + IConstants.XWT_EXTENSION_SUFFIX);
    try {;
    } catch (Exception e) {

PAY ATTENTION!!!! The must be called into the same Thread than SWT Display , otherwise you will have an Invalid thread access error :

org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Invalid thread access
    at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error(
    at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error(
    at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error(
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.error(
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell.<init>(
    at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell.<init>(

You can launch the Java UI test org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.sample4/ui/UI to check that IHelloService is consumed by clicking on the button.

Using Spring Dynamic Module (OSGi) with XWT


org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.osgi.sample1 is an OSGi bundle which show you how declare CLR class with bean Spring and Spring DM :

SpringCLRFactory workspace osgi sample1.png

This bundle have a Bundle Activator which open a XWT file on start.


The XWT file ui.xwt is the same than no OSGi context, except bundle parameter used to retrieve Spring ApplicationContext from the OSGi services registry, which was registered by Spring Extender bundle.

  x:ClassFactory="org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.SpringCLRFactory.INSTANCE bean=myUI bundle=org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.osgi.sample1"

Here the complete file :

<Shell xmlns=""
    x:ClassFactory="org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.SpringCLRFactory.INSTANCE bean=myUI bundle=org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.osgi.sample1">
    <Button text="Click Me!" SelectionEvent="clickButton">


With Spring DM, XML spring file must be stored into MANIFEST-MF/spring folder (default configuration of Spring Extender). The ui-context.xml is the same than no OSGi context :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
  <bean name="myUI" class="ui.EventHandler" scope="prototype">

Launch sample1

To test this bundle, you can find spring-target-platform/sample1.launch.

Launch sample1_no_auto_start

You can find spring-target-platform/sample1_no_auto_start.launch This launch set Auto start to false. You must set start to true for the bundles :

  • org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework
  • org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.osgi.sample1
  • org.springframework.osgi.extender

Using Spring Dynamic Module (OSGi) with XWT - Spring DI

org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.osgi.sample2 is an OSGi bundle which consume the IHelloService into the CLR. The service is getted from teh OSGi services registry.

API services -

This bundle define the HelloService API with the services.IHelloService.

Implementation services -

This bundle is the services implementation which register as OSGI services the HelloService implementation. To do that,Spring DM is used.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
  <bean name="myService" class="services.impl.HelloService" >


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
	xsi:schemaLocation=" ">
  <osgi:service ref="myService" interface="services.IHelloService" />

Bundle org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.osgi.sample2

SpringCLRFactory workspace osgi sample2.png


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
	<bean name="myUI" class="ui.EventHandler" scope="prototype">
		<property name="helloService" ref="myService" />


The ui-osgi-context.xml retrieve the IHelloService from the OSGi services registry :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
	xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:osgi=""
	xsi:schemaLocation=" ">
	<osgi:reference id="myService" interface="services.IHelloService"
                cardinality="0..1" />

cardinality="0..1" is very important. Indeed by default it's cardinality="1..1" which means that service is required. If you use cardinality="1..1", the UI will display only if service is available otherwise you will have an error and the UI will never displayed.

Launch sample2

To test this bundle, you can find spring-target-platform/sample2.launch

Launch sample2_no_auto_start

You can find spring-target-platform/sample2_no_auto_start.launch This launch set Auto start to false. You must set start to true for the bundles :

  • org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework
  • org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.osgi.sample2
  • org.springframework.osgi.extender



Using Spring Dynamic Module (OSGi) with XWT - Spring DI - @Inject


org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.osgi.sample3 is an OSGi bundle which use @Inject into the CLR bean.

To use @Inject, you must Import package javax.inject and do like sample3 from Java Application context.

Launch sample3

To test this bundle, you can find spring-target-platform/sample3.launch

Launch sample3_no_auto_start

You can find spring-target-platform/sample3_no_auto_start.launch This launch set Auto start to false. You must set start to true for the bundles :

  • org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework
  • org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.osgi.sample3
  • org.springframework.osgi.extender



Using OSGi Fragment to configure SpringCLRFactory


It's possible to omit bundle parameter like this :

    x:ClassFactory="org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.SpringCLRFactory.INSTANCE bean=myUI">


To do that you must configure SpringCLRFactory by creating an OSGi fragment linked to the bundle rg.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework and create springclrfactory .properties into src folder like this :

org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springclrfactory.bundle = org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.osgi.sample4

The fragment org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.osgi.sample4.config.springclrfactory configure that.

Launch sample4

To test this bundle, you can find spring-target-platform/sample4.launch

Launch sample4_no_auto_start

You can find spring-target-platform/sampl42_no_auto_start.launch This launch set Auto start to false. You must set start to true for the bundles :

  • org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework
  • org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.osgi.sample4
  • org.springframework.osgi.extender



Advanced features

org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.tests JUnit project test the several features that you can use with Spring support for XWT.


If you wish get args or CLRFactory instance from the CLR class, your CLR class can implements the org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.ICLRFactoryAware interface :

package org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework;
import org.eclipse.e4.xwt.ICLRFactory;
public interface ICLRFactoryAware {
  void setCLRFactory(ICLRFactory factory, IArguments args);

Where IArguments is the args parsed :

package org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework;
import org.eclipse.e4.xwt.ICLRFactory;
public interface IArguments {
	String getSource();
	String getValue(String name);

Example :

public class CLR implements ICLRFactoryAware {
	private ICLRFactory factory;
	private IArguments args;
	public void setCLRFactory(ICLRFactory factory, IArguments args) {
		this.factory = factory;
		this.args = args;

If you have:

x:ClassFactory="org.eclipse.e4.xwt.tests.clrfactory.CLRFactory bean=myCLR"
  • args.getSource() will return "bean=myCLR".
  • args.getValue("bean") will return "myCLR"



configure timeout

SpringCLRFactory must retrieve Spring ApplicationContext from the OSGi registry services by using an OSGi ServiceTracker. By default timeout of this tracker is setted to 5000(ms), but it's possible to customize it with the property :

org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springclrfactory.timeout = 4000

To do that you can do With JVM parameters or With OSGi Fragment.

configure default bundle

To avoid setting the bundle parameter into each XWT file, it's possible to set a default bundle value with the property :

org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springclrfactory.bundle = org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.osgi.sample1

With JVM parameters

Example :

-Dorg.eclipse.e4.xwt.springclrfactory.timeout = 4000
-Dorg.eclipse.e4.xwt.springclrfactory.bundle = org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.osgi.sample4

With OSGi Fragment

To customize SpringCLRFactory with OSGi fragment, you can create an OSGi Fragment linked to org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework and create file into src folder with teh configuration . Example :

org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springclrfactory.timeout = 4000
org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springclrfactory.bundle = org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.osgi.sample4

You can find fragment sample which configure SpringCLRFactory into the org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.osgi.sample4.config.springclrfactory fragment .


You can debug the org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework bundle with standard OSGi Trace.

SpringCLRFactory tracing.png

Launch an dOSGi console display :

[SpringCLRFactory] BEGIN Activator#start
	[SpringCLRFactory] Property <org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springclrfactory.timeout>=4000 [from].
	[SpringCLRFactory] Property <org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springclrfactory.bundle>=org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.osgi.sample4 [from].
	[SpringCLRFactory] Property <org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springclrfactory.lazy>=false [from DEFAULT].
[SpringCLRFactory] END Activator#start

And :

[SpringCLRFactory] BEGIN SpringCLRFactory#createCLR("bean=myUI")
	[SpringCLRFactory] bean parameter=myUI (from Arguments) [OK].
	[SpringCLRFactory] bundle parameter=org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.osgi.sample4 (from Default) [OK].
	[SpringCLRFactory] OSGi Bundle <org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.osgi.sample4> founded [OK].
	[SpringCLRFactory] OSGi Bundle <org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.osgi.sample4> started [OK].
	[SpringCLRFactory] Searching Spring ApplicationContext from the OSGi Bundle=<org.eclipse.e4.xwt.springframework.osgi.sample4> with timeout=<4000(ms)>...
	[SpringCLRFactory] Spring ApplicationContext founded [OK].
[SpringCLRFactory] END SpringCLRFactory#createCLR("bean=myUI") [OK].

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