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Documentation Plan for EclipseLink 2.4

Please complete comments on this doc plan by Thursday, August 25.

Change Record




Change Record


Ben Gelernter

First draft


Ben Gelernter

Incorporated changes from doc manager  review.


Ben Gelernter

Incorporated changes from doc team review


This documentation plan describes how the documentation team will provide EclipseLink documentation for the EclipseLink; (EL) 2.4 release.




Doc plan first draft


Doc plan posted


Doc plan comments due


Final doc plan


EclipseLink release 2.4

10/26/11 – probably postponed until "into the new year," per Doug C.





Application Developers

Developers who want to develop applications using any of the following technologies for persistence services:

  • Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) 2.x plus the EclipseLink JPA extensions
  • Java Architecture for XML Binding 2.x (JAXB) plus the EclipseLink MOXy extensions.
  • Java API for XML Web Services 2.x (JAX-WS) plus EclipseLink Database Web Services (DBWS) features.

Developers should be familiar with the concepts and programming practices of:

  • Java SE
  • Java EE

//REVIEWERS: Should this specify a Java version? which?//

Assumed knowledge:

  • Developers using EclipseLink JPA should be familiar with the concepts and programming practices of JPA 2.x.
  • Developers using EclipseLink MOXy should be familiar with the concepts and programming practices of JAXB 2.x.
  • Developers using EclipseLink DBWS should be familiar with the concepts and programming practices of JAX-WS 2.x.


Users who want to deploy and manage applications using the EclipseLink persistence technologies.

Assumed knowledge:

These users should be familiar with basic operations of the chosen Java EE compliant application server.

//REVIEWERS: Is this correct simply to say "Java EE compliant app server"? Should it  be something like "Java 5 EE compliant app server—some features are available only with Java 6 (or 7?) EE, and therefore users of those features should be familiar with those features in Java 6/7."? It may not even be important to specify. Please advise//


Planned Documentation Deliverables

The Documentation team will document EclipseLink-specific features for:

  • JPA (this is the highest priority)
  • MOXy
  • DBWS

The Documentation team will not document EIS, SDO, or any other "native" TopLink functionality (i.e., non-JPA such as ORM, OX, etc.)..

Documentation Design

The wiki topics will be handled as follows:

  • All EclipseLink documentation will be maintained under the Documentation Center on the EclipseLink wiki at">
  • Versioning will be handled as follows:
    • A note "New in EL 2.n" will be placed next to new topics in the TOCs, where n refers to the release when the feature was introduced. This is currently handled using template {{EclipseLink/NewIn2n}}.
    • A note  " New in version 2.n." will be added at the beginning of a topic documenting a new feature.  This is currently handled using
      EL NewIn.png New in version 2.n.
    • If a new feature is handled in an existing topic and the topic changes more than 50%, the note " New in version 2.n." will be placed at the beginning of the topic or at the beginning of the appropriate section.
    • Header and footers on the wiki page will contain no references to release numbers.
    • If a feature is deprecated, a note will placed next to the documentation for the feature.
  • Each topic will document one "feature." The term "feature" here is somewhat loose. In some cases, it is a single annotation. In some cases, the topic will document how to use multiple annotations together for a specific purpose, e.g., single-table multi=tenancy.
  • These topics are more-or-less "reference" topics. That is, they document the primary APIs and XML used to implement the feature. There can be limited discussion about how to use the code to achieve the purpose of the feature, but we will not attempt to put the feature in a larger context or to fully document all related features.
  • The JPA topics will primarily focus on using annotations, when they are available. For example, a topic may begin with something like, "Use the @Xyz annotation to…" and most or all examples and code snippets will show annotations. When the feature can also be coded using XML, the topic can discuss the XML (including a reference to the schema), but the documentation for XML will not be as extensive as the documentation for the annotation.
  • Every topic will cross-reference:
    •  Any associated example provided by Development and located in the Samples section of the wiki.
    • Any associated Javadoc. When an annotation is available, the reference will be to the annotation(s), not the "native API."
  • The Documentation team will not document features that are not EclipseLink-specific. In particular, features that are documented in the specification for the underlying technology. For example features documented in the JSR-000317 JavaTM Persistence 2.0 specification will not be documented.  However, anyone with permission to edit the wiki may add topics to the wiki. As time permits, the Documentation team may provide advice on the organization of topics. Any non-Documentation person adding topics is responsible for adding and maintaining the following:
    • Previous and Next browse sequence links at the bottom of the page
    • Links from the Table of Contents
    • Links from the parent, or container, topic, if there is one. For example, the JPA documentation includes a "Weaving Topic" which introduces several weaving-related topics under it.

Note: A container topic should not contain only a list of links. Every topic must include at least an overview sentence. For example:  "The EclipseLink cache is an in-memory repository that stores recently read or written objects based on class and primary key values. Caching is discussed in the following topics:"

  • Individual topics will not include cross references to the standard specifications (JPA, JAXB). There will be one overview topic (or an overview topic for each service) that will contain the link to the appropriate specification.
  • If design documents (specs) are not available or do not contain enough source material (including examples), writers will file bugs against Development via BugZilla.


The following tasks are not specifically associated with the EclipseLink 2.4 release but will be handled by the Documentation team during this period:




Identify topics in the JPA TOC that are documented in the JPA specification to clarify which existing items are the responsibility of Documentation and which are the responsibility of Development.

Ben Gelernter, Rick Sapir

Review JPA topics to make sure all 2.2 and 2.3 features are documented and reviewed. Update as needed.


Ben Gelernter

Create an Introduction/Overview section:

  • If introductory information exists elsewhere (e.g., the JPA intro section), move it to this section
  • Write any introductory information that is missing, including cross-references to the specifications (JPA, JAXB)

Ben Gelernter, Rick Sapir

Review existing topics for consistency, e.g.:

  • Navigation links
  • Lists of links in topics (TOCs for sections)
  • Headers/footers
  • Tables, examples
  • Key API links (qualified by path?)

Ben Gelernter

Create documentation style guide specific to EclipseLink.

The main source for documentation style is the Eclipse documentation standards. However, as EclipseLink-specific style issues that not covered by the Eclipse standards arise, the writers will post them on this wiki page. We will spend minimal time developing standards.

Eclipse Doc Style Guide (for Eclipse Help):">

Writers may also find these pages useful:"> and "">

 Tom Pfaeffle (create the page)

Entire team may contribute.



The following tables show the features that will be documented for EL 2.4.

JPA Features


Design documents, examples, any other source material

Subject Matter Expert


Enhanced Schema Provisioning: Schema upgrade to handle application version upgrades. Upon request the Schmea will be extended to add additional tables, columns, indexes.

Not yet available?



MetadataSource support for PU Properties: During the bootstrap of a JPA persistence unit the Metadatasource will provide additional PU properties that can come from an external source to customize the PU properties used in the EntityManagerFactory creation.

Not yet available?



JPA 2.1: Provide early access to some of the JPA 2.1 defined features. This will depend on the progress the expert group makes.

Not yet available?



Gemini JPA: With the Gemini JPA 1.0 release scheduled to come out this summer the current solution available (which we have deprecated) need to be fully transitioned to leverage the Gemini solutions. This will involve updates or migration of examples but may also involve a coordinated Gemini release if feature work is included

From the Gemini JPA wiki ( "The Gemini JPA project is about modular implementations of Java Persistence API technology. This project currently provides the integration with the EclipseLink JPA provider to support the OSGi JPA specification approach that clients can use to get JPA support in an OSGi framework."

Not yet available?



MOXy Features


Design documents, examples, any other source material

Subject Matter Expert


Object-JSON Mapping support

Not yet available?


Rick Sapir

DBWS Features


Design documents, examples, any other source material

Subject Matter Expert


2.3 Features:

Meetings in progress

David Twelves


RESTful JPA: Provide a JAX-RS solution for easily making a JPA persistence unit available through REST calls.

Not yet available?

David Twelves

Rick Sapir


Scheduling and Reviews

Schedules must include time for:

  • Documentation reviews by Dev/QA. Reviews will be conducted on the wiki.
  • A final production review of the wiki including, but not limited to:
    • Links to samples
    • Links to Javadoc
    • Cross-references
    • Style consistency

All writers will contribute to the production review.


All writers must have BugZilla accounts and review and handle documentation bugs against their EclipseLink topics.

If a writer is responsible for a feature that has no corresponding design documentation or if the design documentation does not contain enough information (missing details, code snippets, release, etc.), the writer should file a BugZilla bug against Development. (Use your judgment: often a phone call or e-mail can clear up a problem.)


Joe Garcia


Donna Micozzi



Ben Gelernter

Lead, JPA topics

Ed Spear

JPA topics (TBD)

Rick Sapir



Tom Pfaeffle

JPA topics (TBD)



  • Printable Version

We are considering providing a printable version of the EclipseLink wiki topics. When a new version of EclipseLink is released (and all documentation issues are wrapped up), we want to generate a PDF version (and, if possible an HTML version) of the wiki topics and post that as the official documentation for a certain release. Updates may continue to be made on the wiki, but the PDF/HTML will not be regenerated until the next release.

Details about how to accomplish this are not yet resolved.

  • Metadata to improve searching

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