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IoT/M2MIWG/M2M EPP Package

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It has been discussed with the M2MIWG partners the opportunity to release an EPP package for Kepler.

This page details the requirements and ongoing actions to make this a reality.


As of mid-2012, we are at a stage where the Eclipse projects supervised by the M2M Industry Working Group have been delivering actual components that would benefit from being shipped as part of the same IDE:

  • Koneki released a 0.8 version with Juno, that includes an OMA-DM simulator and an IDE for programming using the Lua language, Lua Development Tools
  • Paho delivers MQTT clients written in C, Java, and Lua (Paho plan)
  • Mihini project is in the pipe and will deliver, together with Koneki, tools and frameworks that should also be included

There are also other Eclipse projects that have connections with the M2M domain (e.g. UOMo) for which it could make sense to also include them in this "one-stop-shop M2M IDE".


  • All the components MUST be released as part of the Eclipse simultaneous release train.
  • All the components MUST provide their bits on a regular p2 repository
  • All the components SHOULD provide an online help
  • All the components SHOULD be accessible from dedicated UI sections in the IDE (wizard categories, view categories, (dedicated perspective?))
  • The EPP package MUST have a branding (splash screen...)
  • There MUST be at least one person responsible for maintaining the EPP package

Proposed package contents

  • OMA-DM simulator (Koneki)
  • Lua Development Tools (Koneki)
  • MQTT view (Paho)
  • Tooling for Mihini (Koneki)
  • Pre-packaged code examples?
  • M2M models tooling? (depending on what progress will be made on this front…)
  • Other eclipse plug-ins? (EGit comes to mind, especially since it is likely that some code examples might be available on Git repos)


  • List the UI hooks (views category, wizard categories, ...) in which we want to group all the different sub-components
    • Create a new Koneki project to host the UI hooks (views category, wizard categories, ...) for all the projects that want to be part of the same, consistent, M2M distribution.
  • List the components we want to include in the EPP Package
  • (Paho project must join Kepler release train)
  • Name an EPP Package maintainer
  • Create the EPP Package
  • Test the EPP Package for milestone builds

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