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Agenda and minutes for Community meeting September 25, 2008

Aperi Wiki Home Aperi Community Meetings


  1. Marketing Topics
    • Fall SNW Planning
      • For Fall SNW, going to try the TechEdge route
      • Looking for volunteers to staff the booth and give a 10 minute talk
  2. Development - Review Plans and Status for Aperi M0.5 slides
  3. Workgroup Update slides
    Summary of where we are for the workgroups: Launch in Context Standardization and Production Ready Task Force. In each section we will discuss a quick status, describe the current activities, and provide insight into the next steps that we'll be taking (along with rough milestones)

Key Documents Under Discussion

Aperi Workgroup Status

SNW Planning Dashboard

SNW Sponsorship Agreement

Benefit Charts for Recruiting Vendors

Proposed Document Review and Approval Process


Company Attendees
Brocade Steve Wilson
CA Absent
Cisco Absent
Emulex Absent
LSI Absent
Fujitsu Absent
IBM Russ Warren, Michelle Lowe, Martine Wedlake, Al Heitman
NetApp Absent
Novell Absent
YottaYotta Absent


Welcome – Russ Warren

  • Russ took roll call and then started the meeting by welcoming all attendees. Russ then went over the agenda for today’s call and then handed it off to Michelle for the Marketing portion.

Marketing - Fall SNW Planning – Michelle Lowe

  • For the Fall SNW, Michelle discussed the booth staffing. She reported we still need to find someone for the Wednesday 2 to 3PM time slot. All other slots were staffed. Russ offered to check his schedule to see if he could cover this time. Michelle reported that she is still working on getting the 10min talk scheduled. She is trying to make sure our time slot doesn’t conflict with other talks. Michelle is working on the presentation and she will send that out to the Aperi community for review. Michelle asked about handouts. Russ recommended the Aperi tri-folds and reported that he has some Aperi shirts to hand out. Russ will check to see if he as other stuff to hand out from what Alan Marin gave him.

Development - Review items and timelines for Aperi M0.5 - Al Heitman

  • Refer to Slides
  • Slide 2. Al discussed the roadmap. No changes to the planned phases. The big activity for this month is the SAN Simulator version 0.2. Al discussed the 3 phases of the SAN Simulator R5 framework. The first phase is the architecture and specs., followed by the prototype and then incorporating LIC/SSO into the SRM framework and the rest of the R5 work items.
  • Chart 3 shows our progress and upcoming activities. Al reminded everyone that the Development meetings are on Monday’s at Noon Eastern, 9AM Pacific. We decided last week to move these to every-other-Monday. He is in the process of resending the meeting invites to reflect this change. Next, Al has taken over the release engineering responsibilities from Todd. Al got his feet wet with these duties over the last month with the SAN Simulator version 0.2 builds and posting to the web pages. The SAN Simulator version 0.2 has completed IDVT testing and Al posted that interim build to the Aperi Download site. This is the 0.2M1 candidate build and has completed and passed IDVT. The IPzilla CQ has been submitted and approved by the Eclipse PMC and preliminary approval from the Eclipse IP team. The full Due Diligence will follow. The Eclipse IP folks have indicated that the full due diligence may take a little longer as they are working on a lengthy submission from another team. Next the SSO prototype and sample STS client are complete and now checked into CVS and a “how to” document is available on the wiki. Next we are going to focus on the LIC architecture, specifications and design. Then, in parallel with the LIC design work, we will focus on the prototyping efforts including an update to the existing SRM framework launch points with SSO. This will enable the Aperi partners who want to upgrade their product’s management applications for SSO which is a nice first step into integrating with other applications including the Aperi SRM framework. For the ID plan, Chris will be asking the commiters to approve the plan here shortly. He has already completed the review cycle and made the plan updates based on the review comments. Martine is working on an SMIS SCR for LIC extensions. Al is in the process of publishing an updated schedule based on staffing plan changes. The other thing we need to do is break out the LIC prototyping staged delivery plan. Al expects to have more details on that in the near future.
  • Slide 4 is some miscellaneous info. Our current roadmap takes us well into 09 but we need to figure out what’s next. Al asked folks to start thinking about that. And finally, August has seen above average downloads with 344 total which was the 2nd biggest month ever and also puts us past the 4000th download milestone. Al has updated the downloads charts in the back up section for those of you that are interested. Looking at September, the downloads have also been above average with 316 total, 265 of those for the SRM framework and 51 for the SAN Simulator. So Aperi continues to be a popular download. Russ mentioned we should kick off the 2009 planning at next months community call.

Workgroup Update - slides - Martine Wedlake

  • slide 3 LIC – Martine presented the LIC proposal to the SNIA core technical group. They created, submitted and approved a ballet and are now working on refining the extensions. They are looking at other proposals from EMC and HP. They mix and match the best ideas from each proposal. Martine reported there is lots of interest in this topic. All of the folks from the Aperi WG are working on the SNIA and DMTF proposals so Martine put the LIC WG on hiatus for the next few weeks. Once the SNIA proposals have matured, we will start LIC WG again to work on the next steps. Martine reported that next week HP will present their proposal. He indicated that they have made good progress integrating with EMC’s model. He said there was good representation from EMC, HP, Brocade, Emulex, and others. This is a good demonstration of how SMI makes all of us work together to benefit the customers.
  • SMIS production ready task force: Martine reported that we are still waiting for SMIS input, but have decided to continue on anyway. The group is prioritizing the list of ideas and starting to think about what will fit into the 2009 Aperi plans. He mentioned an some of the ideas on the list include an Aperi lite, reference implementations, other tooling requested , internal tools to use in lab. Martine plans to discuss these things in tomorrow WG meeting where we will start to prioritize the list.

Other Topics:

  • none this month

Action items:

  • Russ and Michelle will follow up on the Fall SNW planning including the Wednesday coverage from 2PM to 3PM and schedule the 10 minute talk.
  • Russ with check to see what Aperi stuff we can give out at the booth.
  • Russ will set up next meeting for the end of Oct. and send out invitations.

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