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What is the Spaces Project?

Quoting from the Spaces home page: Share your tweaks, twiddles, and nifty home-brew Eclipse plug-ins! Share your examples, your work-saving automations, your user-interface short cuts, and more.

Spaces is about expanding the Eclipse community by providing easy-to-use "spaces" for Eclipse users to publish and share their own plug-ins. The Spaces plug-ins provide easy to use user interface wrappers around a few Eclipse operations for publishing update sites, sharing source code, and materializing workspaces.

Using Spaces

See the How to Publish and How to Consume instructions.


The project has been dormant for a bit, and we now start to elaborate on architecture, project plan, etc. This page should become the "spaces index page". I am adding new content as subpages under this page as a starting point.

The Spaces project will provide an extensible framework and exemplary implementation for an Eclipse feature/plug-in set that streamlines the process of publishing, materializing and sharing a code base against a specified set of virtual services for source management, release staging and downloading, bug-tracking and community collaboration. The initial exemplary implementation will include an adapter to connect the framework to an extended version of AOL's virtual storage infrastructure (XDrive). Other exemplary implementations to capable and available virtual infrastructures will be included based on community demand and project resources (the project welcomes additional contributors to help with, e.g., an adapter to SourceForge).


Test instructions can be found here: Spaces Testing

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