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Metadata Collection Requirements and Design 

Enhancement Request: bug 330846

This feature will help eclipselink users to gather the metadata configurations annotated on/in several different entities on to a single centralized location (class)  for better maintenence over time. The prposed feature will leverage existing standards and convensions for grouping metadata and builds upon the same to further simplify its usage and maintenence. 

List of Requirements:

   This feature should provide eclipselink users the ability to group:

  • all types of related named queries
  • all related resultset mappings
  • all related converters
  • all related query redirectors   

at a central place like any ordinary utility class


The following sections will give in detail the changes and modifications that are required for implementing this feature.

The Metadata Collection is somewhat similar to the existing support for assembling all metadata in eclipselink-orm.xml; however, it does not aim to be an all encompassing storehouse for the entire metadata of the project, as is the eclipselink-orm.xml. It is expected to be used to group related metadata for easier maintenance.

This  feature will be available in both the Java annotations and XML mappings.


A Metadata Collection can be defined on any ordinary java class to group related metadata 
like named queries, resultset mappings, convertors, query redirectors, etc at a central 
place rather than on an entity to increase reusability and clarity of code. A central 
location will also simplify the maintenance of these metadata. A eclipselink persistence
project can have several classes that have been marked with Metadata Collection so that the
users can group related metadata in to several sets for easier maintenance.

public @interface MetadataCollection{ 
    NamedQueries namedQueries(); 
    NamedNativeQueries namedNativeQueries();  
    NamedStoredProcedureQueries namedStoredProcedureQueries();  
    SqlResultSetMappings resultSetMappings(); 
    Convertors convertors(); 
    QueryRedirectors queryRedirectors;

XML Element

A metadata complex xml element will be created to group all related metadata together:

<xs:complexType name="metadata-collection"> 


              A Metadata Collection can be defined on any ordinary java class to 
              group related metadata like named queries, resultset mappings, 
              convertors, query redirectors, etc at a central place rather than
              on an entity to increase reusability and clarity of code. A central 
              location will also simplify the maintenance of these metadata. 
              A eclipselink persistence project can have several classes that 
              have been marked with Metadata Collection so that the users can 
              group related metadata in to several sets for easier maintenance.

             public @interface MetadataCollection{ 
                NamedQueries namedQueries(); 
                NamedNativeQueries namedNativeQueries();  
                NamedStoredProcedureQueries namedStoredProcedureQueries();  
                SqlResultSetMappings resultSetMappings(); 
                Convertors convertors(); 
                QueryRedirectors queryRedirectors;



         <xs:element ref="named-queries"/> 
         <xs:element ref="named-native-queries" /> 
         <xs:element ref="named-stored-procedure-queries"/> 
         <xs:element ref="sql-resultset-mappings"/> 
         <xs:element ref="convertors"/> 
         <xs:element ref="query-redirectors"/>



              @NamedQuery(name=SavingsAccountQueries.fetchWithdrawalBalance, query="SELECT account.balance 
                     FROM Account account WHERE account.user=:userName"),
              @NamedQuery(name=SavingsAccountQueries.fetchSomethingElse, query="SELECT account.something
                     FROM Account account WHERE account.user=:userName")
              @NamedStoredProcedureQuery(name=SavingsAccountQueries.sampleStoredProcedure,query="select checkBalance(:userName)")

public class SavingsAccountQueries {

    public static final String fetchWithdrawalBalance="fetchWithdrawalBalance";
    public static final String sampleStoredProcedure="sampleStoredProcedure";
    public static final String fetchSomethingElse="fetchSomethingElse";
    public static final String genderConvertor="genderConvertor";
    public static final String someOtherConvertor="someOtherConvertor";

      <named-query name="fetchWithdrawalBalance" query="SELECT account.balance FROM Account account WHERE account.userName=:userName"/> 
      <named-native-query name="" query=""/> 
      <named-stored-procedure-query name="" query="" /> 
      <!-- <entity>and <field> mappings --> 
      <convertor name="" class=""> 
       <query-redirector allqueries="DefaultRedirector.class"/> 

The above named query can be executed in the normal way as shown below:

Query query=entityManager.createNamedQuery(SavingsAccountQueries.fetchWithdrawalBalance);
Double balance=(Double)query.getSingleResult();

Metadata Overriding and Merging

The order of precedence for the metadata grouped using this feature will be resolved in the following order descendingly:

  1. eclipselink-orm.xml
  2. orm.xml
  3. @MetadataCollection Annotation
  4. Inhertance of metadata from super class that has been annotated with @MetadataCollection
  5. Individual container annotations for the respective metadata on entity or MappedSuperClass classes

Internal Mapping

Since this annotation is just aggregating several pieces of metadata, and does not have any identity of its own, we do not need to store any mapping for this metadata object, unless we want to provide isolation for metadata defined between two different metadata collections.


This feature does not require any changes in the public facing API of the eclipselink core; however, it does need an important change in the way eclipselink scans for metadata.

Presently only classes that have @Entity or @Embeddable or @MappedSuperClass are searched for resolving JPA metadata; but this feature proposes a facility to group metadata on any ordinary class and hence we need to also search for classes that has @MetadataCollection annoation.

Also, the metadata objects of type MetadataCollection need to be resolved before any of the contained metadata ( like NamedQueryMetada, SQLResultSetMappingMetadata, etc) is processed so that the contained metadata within each metadata collection can be processed along with similar metadata that has been annotated on enitites and embeddables

Exceptions/Open Issues/Future

  • We need to compile the details about which metadata can be centrally defined and which is tightly localised to an entity
  • Can we let any other annotations be defined on non-entity classes?


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