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Assuming you have installed PDT, you have a few choices for how to update it to a newer version.

Bear in mind that you cannot update from PDT 2.0.0 to 2.1.0, but you can move from 2.0.0 to 2.0.x. This is because 2.1.0 requires Eclipse 3.5, whereas 2.0.x require Eclipse 3.4. If you're simply replacing one all-in-one with another (the first option above) then you can move from 2.0 to 2.1 because the all-in-ones also include the correct version of Eclipse.

Get a New All-In-One

Each time a new, updated all-in-one is made available, download it, unpack it, and point it at your existing workspace. Simple, self-contained, and no updating required.

Note, however, that anything else you've installed into your Eclipse, like for debugging or other scripting support, will need to be reinstalled. If you only use PDT, but do not take advantage of, for example, Mylyn for bug/task management or the JSDT plugins for editing and debugging javascript, then this option is for you.

Install Updated Plugins From Remote Update Site

From an existing installed all-in-one, load up the update site you like best (interim, milestones, or releases -- see for the list) and install updates into your existing Eclipse. Restart when prompted.

Install Updated Plugins From Archived Update Site

Download a new, updated Update site zip. Unpack it. From an existing installed all-in-one, use the Install Manager to install the new plugins from the unpacked local update site. Restart when prompted.

Install Updated Plugins From Runtime or SDK Zip

Shut down Eclipse. Download a new, updated SDK or runtime zip. Unpack it into your existing Eclipse's dropins folder, eg., ~/eclipse/dropins/. Restart eclipse with the -clean flag, and be prepared to wait a bit as it finds the new dropins and loads them. Some purists might say that you should remove the old stuff in dropins/eclipse/plugins/*pdt* and dropins/eclipse/features/*pdt*, but you don't strictly have to, since newer plugins will have larger versions and therefore be loaded instead. Removing old versions will speed up Eclipse's startup time, though.

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