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Stardust/Knowledge Base/Integration/Camel/Timer Trigger using Quartz and Camel

In this article we explore how to model a fine grained timer to start Stardust process instances for different use cases. We are using the Quartz Camel endpoint in a Stardust event class message's generic Camel route event.

1. Trigger process in fixed intervals

This examples triggers a process every 15 minutes.

QuartzProcess1.JPG Create a start event and change its Event Class to Message and choose Event Implementation as Generic Camel Route Event and define route like below:

<from uri="quartz://myGroup/myTimerName1?cron=0+0/15+*+*+*+?"/>
<to uri="ipp:direct"/>

Note: '+' is used as ' '(space).

2. Trigger process at specific times of the day on specific weekdays

This example triggers a process at 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, and 13:30, on every Wednesday and Friday.

QuartzProcess2.JPG Create a start event and change its Event Class to Message and choose Event Implementation as Generic Camel Route Event and define route like below:

<from uri="quartz://myGroup/myTimerName?cron=0+30+10-13+?+*+WED,FRI"/>
<to uri="ipp:direct"/>

Note: '+' is used as ' '(space).

3. Trigger process in fixed intervals during a specific time frame and on specific days

This example triggers the process every half hour from 10:00-15:00 h on the 5th and 25th of every month.

QuartzProcess3.JPG Create a start event and change its Event Class to Message and choose Event Implementation as Generic Camel Route Event and define route like below:

<from uri="quartz://myGroup/myTimerName2?cron=0+0/30+10-15+5,25+*+?"/>
<to uri="ipp:direct"/>

Note: '+' is used as ' '(space).

The process model can be found

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