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Attending: Oliver, Paul, Joanna, Alex Nan, alex (Alexeev), Chris, Harm

Release of

current delivery in progress

cleaning up test pass

  • Paul -- results are slowly being cleaned up
    • result of an old defect
  • Will let us know

Are we at 100% attempt and success.

  • Platform not at 100% -- some sequence diagram, profile tests not yet run.
    • Joanna was going to do some but needs to clean up tests

Oliver asks why these releases seem to have test report finalization issues

  • Can we assume that things will be done by next week.
    • Joanna unsure if has resources to finalize
    • Harm suggests that resources haven't really changed in few weeks. Perhaps were too aggressive in test plans?
    • Joanna believe these tests are necessary

Oliver asks if reports (and work that we do) is all of value. We are not doing any unuseful work are we?

  • Team suggests that having _a_ report is an important part of the project.

Moving toward 4.4.1

Joanna -- OpenSSL needs to be taken out of code base/commented out

  • Needs to be decided by M3 build (Nov 14 deadline)
  • Paul as AG lead has taken responsibility for making

Moving toward 4.5

Ganymede drop

  • Paul verified driver on top of Ganymede base.
  • By next week should have Ganymede M2 strategy resolved.

We will plan to get some of the deprecation work done for M3

  • Oliver would like to see these removed from M3
    • Can then talk to consumers that "old stuff is going away" and to check out M3 for concerns.
  • Can Intel list items okay with deprecating -- yes
  • Can Intel make sure

Need (a) list then proceed to bugzilla with

Have we closed 4.5 plan for what is putting in

  • today was final deadline
  • Hope to have approval list by about next Wednesday
  • Need to update approval list in schedule on web page.
  • When will we have our final plan? How long before M3?

Planning group line items Oct 18th would be a good target because IBM has an internal review deadline at this time. 1 week from today -- each lead states why not done with 4.5 plan.

  • Harm suggests that this status should come from whole planning group
  • By next week we will have list of bugzilla ids and info, resources, etc.
  • By next week understand all the "exceptions" that require resolution.

Joanna question -- how to flag defects/enhancements? Change priority? add [plan] keyword? set target AG & PG approval required. Paul suggests using [plan] keyword for now

OS/X discussion

  • Has been a request on and off for providing this for years
  • A long ago port of PI stuff by community member
  • Used to have resources
  • Said a while back that wouuld spin an x86 OS/X build of driver as tech preview
    • Would ask community for support

Oliver suggests that we take any residual resource that we put it "in the hopper" and then decide wholistically what is the best for greater good for project.

  • Oliver suggests waiting to decide if OS/X.
  • Harm says he agrees in spirit but it has consistently fallen right below the line.
    • Should either close the defect or do it.
    • May answer the questions with "heres the source" and we'll help you with any makefile issues you may have.

If community comes back with a patch for OS/X, we would need to handle the importing of it.

  • Make it clear in bugzilla the resourcing constraints and invite help.
    • Paul volunteers for this task.

Test automation

  • No real update from last week's scheduling
  • Test coverage (emma) effort is going in parallel with this. (See link in last week's summary).
    • Just requires a few environment variables
    • Harm notes that today the emma report reads like it is for the whole project but in actuality it is only for a portion of test today. Need to adjust how/where we put the link to not make people think we're at 12% for whole project.
  • See the WIKI page for more details on the test automation initiative, including meeting minutes.


Category for TPTP

  • Create general description of submission guidelines
  • More specific list
  • Paul came up with a more specific list and discussed w/ Harm and Oliver
    • Try to make sure that list can be used to avoid getting off the wall proposals
    • Abstract proposals open till sometime in December
    • Will be reviewing items in this timeframe

Will we need to aggressively hound? Last year had more than we needed after we hounded people.

  • Had leads hound folks on their teams
  • Had managers work ensure that there were travel budgets

External hounding -- use our contacts to request people give talks

  • Newsgroup on candidates
  • Chris to make sure Intel side in process; Harm on IBM side.

Paul to send list to PMC


Please notify Oliver on any changes to resourcing

Staffing commit by YE -- Harm trying to short circuit bits.

  • Next week will talk pretty much exclusively about 4.5
  • Why not closed yet on 4.5. Knock them off 1 by 1.

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